02 July 2007

Catch This Program on Online Catalog Applications Beyond Traditional Uses

Need A Short But Informative Program to Wind Down The AALL Conference?

Consider “Casting A Wider Net.” This program will explore online catalog applications beyond traditional library uses.

Tuesday, July 17, 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m., EMCC- Room 224

by David M. Turkalo, Assistant Director For Technical Services, Suffolk University Law Library, Boston, and Program Coordinator

The Technical Services SIS-sponsored program, “Casting A Wider Net: The Challenges And Rewards Of Making Your Online Catalog A Useful Tool Beyond The Law Library” will offer an informative look at the processes and procedures that the Suffolk University Law School’s Moakley Law Library used in making the School’s Career Development Office’s separately housed and maintained collection of materials part of the University catalog. And, going that “one step beyond” where many librarians have great trepidation about going, allowing the personnel of that office to circulate the materials themselves. Two featured speakers from the frontlines of the project, Suffolk Systems Services Librarian (and incoming Chair of the Innovative Law Users Group (ILUG)), Sarah Boling, will speak on the technical services aspects of the project, while Circulation Services Librarian Sabrina Holley-Williams will provide the public services perspective, followed by a Q & A and Discussion period as time allows.

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