14 July 2007

Technical Services SIS

TS-SIS Program: Indigenous Government and Law in the Americas. Library of Congress Online Classification: A Gateway to Web Resources?

Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Place: EMCC Room 224

Description of program: The information needs on indigenous government in the Americas challenges libraries and special repositories to develop, or make accessible, the records of indigenous American law. New inter-institutional collection development and digitization projects aimed at higher visibility of tribal law will be discussed. Also LC Classification Web was explored as an innovative simultaneous access tool for local and remote resources on tribal law and constitutional developments, while retaining its traditional functionality for cataloging.

The second part of the program is a live demonstration of LC Classweb and a pioneered Html version which will be upon completion posted on the LC CPSO web site.

David Selden, National Indian Law Library
Richard Amelung, St. Louis University Law School
Jolande E. Goldberg, LC Cataloging Policy & Support Office
Cheryl C. Cook, LC Automation Planning & Liaison Office

For more information go to the program at http://www.aallnet.org/sis/tssis/annualmeeting/2007/programdescriptions.htm#indigenous

For handouts of the panel speakers go to

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